This webinar has been held, and you can download the slides using the form below.
Here’s a provocative question:
Are technical experts different? Do they have different goals and motivations? Do they have their own expectations about careers? Do your organisation’s benefits attract them in the same way as non-experts?
While asking if experts are different may be provocative, the concept of the segmented employee value proposition is not. Nor is it new. Segmenting your EVP to meet the needs and aspirations of a diverse candidate pool is becoming increasingly critical to your organisation’s competitive advantage.
2022 Organisational Expertship Webinar Book Series
We have recently published our most recent book - “Master Expert” and have started writing our next one - “Organisational Expertship”. I am hoping you will be interested in working with us on this latest project.
We are inviting you to participate in a new exciting collaboration to write the definitive book on ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERTSHIP – the optimum workforce practices, policies and strategies to attract and retain the best experts and develop them to their full potential.
Every 6 to 8 weeks, we will share our latest research and insights on a specific topic relating to the full spectrum of organisational expertship practices - from recruitment to managing expert teams, to remuneration and retirement. This webinar series will be highly interactive and conversational. We will share our research, but we want to hear your own experiences, insights, and debate. We are hoping for a long list of acknowledgments when we finally publish this important and timely book.
In this webinar
This first webinar of our new book series will be co-hosted by our Chief Research Officer Darin Fox and HR Executive Tara Nguyen. They will summarise insights obtained through experience and interviews with CIOs, CFOs, and heads of technical teams. After a brief presentation, we invite you to participate in an interactive discussion, sharing your own views about:
The skills and roles are the hardest to find and retain
The unique problems and opportunities in the attraction of experts
The EVP required to attract the best expertise
Identifying high performing talent
Recruitment practices that work best for experts
This webinar was held Weds 2 March. Download the slides using the form below.
Our guest and co-host Tara Nguyen has led a corporate HR career for over 25 years, most recently in roles such as Head of People and Culture and Head of Recruitment at one of Australia’s leading energy retailers. Her most recent experience has been in both coaching and providing strategic support to C-Suite leaders to deliver on their people strategies and prior to that led the delivery of recruitment services across many organisations and industries at all levels. Her career path has been anchored by her passion for influencing and emboldening people to cultivate and grow their careers, as well as helping organisations to get the most out of their talent.