Getting coaching right isn’t as easy or as straight forward as it might seem. Getting an excellent result every time requires process, commitment, and an investment in time as well as money.
HFL has been offering executive coaching solutions since 1991 – more than 25 years – and during that time we’ve worked hard to develop a robust system that enables us to deliver outstanding coaching results to our clients.
Whether you are an HR manager proposing coaching to a client, a business leader paying for it, or a coachee looking to grow their capability, it’s crucial the investment you make in executive coaching produces the results and returns you are looking for.
We’ve developed a six stage process that gets coaching right. The six stage coaching process is summarised below and explained in full here.
1. Your organisation and coachee has access to THE RIGHT COACHES. Ensure the coachee has a choice of quality coaches – and our advice: always offer at least two to choose from.
2. The processes and systems deployed ensure THE RIGHT SET UP. Make sure all parties understand why the coaching is happening, and what results are expected.
3. The coach and the coachee have THE RIGHT CHEMISTRY. Make sure the coach and coachee click and build trust quickly.
4. The coachee undertakes profiling and/or assessments so they get THE RIGHT ILLUMINATION. Make sure the coaching is evidence- based, and real.
5. The coachee and coach discuss and agree THE RIGHT CONTRACTING. That is, both parties have clarity of, and commit to, the roles and responsibilities of the partners in the engagement.
6. The engagement is STRUCTURED correctly. Ensure that the right check-ins take place effectively during the course of the engagement.
Read more in the Six Steps for Getting Coaching Right.