Leader of Experts
Summary: Being a leader of experts isn't easy. They take great skill and understanding to manage so they can reach their full potential. This program offers tools and coaching to help you help your experts be the best experts they can be.
Written by Alistair Gordon 08 Jun 2022

Leading Experts Isn’t Easy

There are two types of leaders of expert teams:

  • Leaders who completely understand the technical domain of those reporting to them because they used to be such an expert; and

  • Leaders who have ‘inherited’ a team of experts , many of whom have specializations the leader doesn’t fully understand, and is not an expert in.

The Leader of Experts program is designed to help both sets of leaders, but is particularly helpful to the second group.

Program Objectives

Every leader wants their experts to be the best experts they can be. That means that to complement their good technical skills, the experts reporting to them need to be able to master enterprise skills. And that means the leaders of these experts need to be able to have meaningful and actionable conversations with their experts to achieve this.

In this program we will::

  • Introduce leaders to the The Expertship Model, and the role it plays in setting performance expectations for experts (beyond simple technical expertise);

  • Discussion the mindsets and nurture that experts have had that gets in the way of them embracing the need for enterprise skills;

  • Introduce leaders to the The Expertship Growth Guide , and explore how it can be used to bring to life meaningful and actionable Personal Growth Plans for their experts, plans that experts will embrace and action;

  • Build on the leaders’ existing coaching skills, with a specific reference to questions and framing that works with experts;

  • Provide an overview of The Expertship 360, and how it might be applied, for experts who need to build their self-awareness.


The Leader of Experts program is not just a workshop (or in its virtual form, a series of small group coaching sessions). The program is designed to be of very applied help to participants:

  • Workshop elements (either a one day face-to-face, or four 2 hour sessions virtually), which is highly experiential; the leaders work together to discuss and solve typical problems leading experts;

  • Two one-hour coaching sessions with the facilitator, to help leaders frame and plan specific conversations with their experts;

  • Pre-reading and post-reading - the Expertship Growth Guide is included in the program, and also chapters from Master Expert: The ultimate guide for subject matter experts having more influence and impact;

  • Access to the Expertship Learning Portal for twelve months.

This blended approach allows leaders to master the basics, and then work with a coach to really apply and embed the skills and models.

Two Types of Program

Leader of Experts is available in two program approaches:

  • One day Workshop - with the coaching sessions after this; participant numbers are typically between 6 and 10; we can deliver these in-house for clients as well as occasionally running public programs.

  • Coaching Pods - four 2-hour virtual workshops; typically no more than four people in these “pods”, the program is delivered over a week; the coaching sessions take place a fortnight later.

The pricing is the same for either program per participant. Coaching Pods are our preferred deliver until COVID-19 restrictions have been completely eased.

Book in Now

We run coaching pods every month for Leader of Experts, with programs typically starting in the second week of the month, registrations by the end of the month previous.

Download a more detailed primer on the program using the form below.

Or register for upcoming programs by Contact Us.

Download a short guide to our Leader Of Experts program